So your dream home is ready to get life……Yes that is true
that family friends and relatives make The home live as well furniture is also
important part of lively home .
Actually furniture gives flow to our life, it reflect our
thought and behavior toward our life, still this is secondary important part of
our home our highest priority should be for family off course!!! And you are
better judge for family and relative just let me talk about furniture.
Yeh,I have been talked with thousands of people and would
proudly say that I am in this business from last 14 years and running india’s
first online furniture store named induscraft.
So let me assist you in finding furniture for your beautiful
home, we would take this ahead in phases
When we step in home that area should be neat and soothing
area with light, fragrances of flower because we are taking first breath of
home in this area.
If you are living in flat
than you can use shoes rack with at least 3 shelves and top portion should have
a sitting space so you can sit and put off shoes etc..
Put mirror
over there it gives little broad area and psychological effect also ,that when
we saw on mirror we can smile with little effort true that is right what you understand !! Put mirror over shoes rack cum bench.

If you have bigger space than you can put console and mirror
or a Budha painting in DHYAN Mudra.
Over the console you can keep some family photo,so when you
enter in your home after a tired day,just see your family smiling faces and
enter with fresh joy, left hefty day behind the door of your entrance.
Selection of shoes rack is important, if you can find better
space for big shoes rack than fine and if this is in side of your home than I
would select half open and half close shoes
rack and sitting area just beside this.
Shoes rack must be ventilated both way in door and back side
also,you can also customize the same at many website.
Shoes rack with slanted door is nice trendy idea you can
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope this will
help you in some way…
Best of luck, happy living.
Mukesh jain :Co founder